Recipe Ideas

4 Delicious Whole Egg Recipes For Your Baby At 6 Months

Introducing whole eggs to babies is a gradual process—one that also marks a major milestone in your child’s growth and development.

A lot of new mothers are probably wondering, “how old do babies need to be to eat eggs?” The answer is 6 months! According to Health Canada’s 2013 updated infant feeding guidelines, whole eggs can be introduced to babies at 6 months as a way to help prevent egg allergies.

Here are a few quick, endlessly customizable and delicious egg recipes for your baby at 6 months:

1. Mashed Eggs and Vegetables

We are so thrilled about this egg recipe for your baby. Eggs, like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak, are the perfect way to hide something—in this case, a multitude of carrots and peas.

The charm of this recipe is in its simplicity. Here’s the breakdown:


2. Veggies, Egg and Brown Rice

This yummy baby meal idea is one of many that are perfect for newly weaned babies. #Veggielicious


3. Yummy White Bean Egg Purée

This is another great purée baby food combination. As a recipe that can be served either warm or cold, this recipe works as a great on-the-go snack or food to carry while travelling with your baby.


4. Mashed Hard boiled Egg

For mothers who want to keep it simple, nothing says fuss-free like an actual hard boiled egg for your baby.


All in all, eggs add an easy-to-eat, tasty base to a number of other solid foods, and help protect your baby from developing an egg allergy—win/win/win! Want to know more? Check out our recipe page for other creative baby food ideas!